Busy and happy we were during last weeks before some heavy rains visited Seville (!!! Yes, it rained for around 10 days and all the water from the last 8 months just arrived at once!!!).
Fortunately, all our students and skydivers were very lucky this time and managed to fulfil their plans and even more! Just look at the photos and happy faces telling it all. So many skydivers visited us, that three out of our 5 super aircrafts Dornier were operating, many times back to back! AFF jumps, INTRO and licences were just flying away! Not to mention fun jumps! Here even “boring tandems” are fun.
PRO skydivers and tandem instructors are very happy with the artificial grass on the landing area. Here the ground happens to be really hard during dry period, so just learn to land on it and adios! ripped off jumpsuits ;). Looking forward for the DZ managers to extend the grass to the rest of the landing area, especially for beginners!
Now we are getting ready for the XMass Boogie. There will be around 150-200 skydivers already registered, weather looks promising and our skydivers house if almost full of guests, so we can’t wait to make some fun reels and relations! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for daily fresh “sneak-peaks”!