This website has been designed to publicize the services offered by Club Deportivo Atmosfera, located at Plaza de las Aceitunas 29, 41110-BOLLULLOS DE LA MITACION (Seville), Spain. CIF/NIF: G90155482, Registration Number: 021982. The website’s purpose is also to receive potential service requests from clients, establish commercial contacts, and facilitate job applications.

To communicate with us, we offer various contact methods, detailed below:

  • Email: info@skydiveatmosfera.com
  • Postal Address: Club Deportivo Atmosfera, Plaza de las Aceitunas 29, 41110-BOLLULLOS DE LA MITACION (Seville), Spain.

All notifications and communications between users and Club Deportivo Atmosfera are considered effective, for all intents and purposes, when made through written letter sent to our postal address.

The intellectual property rights of the website www.skydiveatmosfera.com, including its source code, design, navigation structures, and various elements, are owned by Club Deportivo Atmosfera. This ownership extends to the exclusive rights of exploitation in various forms, specifically including reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation, in accordance with Spanish and European Union legislation.

The Club Deportivo Atmosfera portal and its content – including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, computer programs, logos, trademarks, trade names, and other distinctive signs – are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights. Club Deportivo Atmosfera owns these rights or has legitimate license for their use.

This website provides information about services intended for public knowledge. This information is always subject to the expressly detailed terms and conditions accessible from this website, and conforms to the relevant legal provisions.

Access to, and use of, this website and its content is the sole responsibility of the user. Such access and use must comply with existing legislation, principles of good faith, and lawful use. Actions detrimental to Club Deportivo Atmosfera are generally prohibited, as is any illegal or unauthorized use of the website.

The following uses of this website are strictly prohibited:

  • Any form of exploitation, including reproduction, distribution, transfer to third parties, public communication, and transformation, without prior and express authorization.
  • Engaging in actions that are criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, supportive of terrorism, or generally contrary to law or public order.
  • Introducing computer viruses or performing actions that could harm, disrupt, or cause damage to electronic documents, data, or physical and logical systems of Club Deportivo Atmosfera or third parties, or that could impede other users’ access to the website and its services.
  • Attempting to access other users’ email accounts or restricted areas of Club Deportivo Atmosfera or third-party computer systems, or extracting information.
  • Violating intellectual or industrial property rights, confidentiality agreements, or other rights.
  • Impersonating another user’s identity.
  • Using the contents for unauthorized commercial purposes, or for illegal advertising activities.

Club Deportivo Atmosfera is not responsible for any damages caused by the user to this website, or any other, due to illegal or improper use of the website or its contents. The extent of our legal liability for damages is limited, and does not cover issues like the inability to access the website, inaccuracies in content, or the presence of viruses.

Club Deportivo Atmosfera reserves the right to suspend access to its website without prior notice, and to modify access conditions or content.

In legal matters concerning the Club Deportivo Atmosfera website, Spanish legislation applies. The Courts and Tribunals of the user’s address are competent for resolving conflicts related to the use of this website.

Should a user or third party observe any unlawful use of website content or activities, a notification should be sent to Club Deportivo Atmosfera with proper identification and details of the alleged infractions.

Hyperlinks on the Club Deportivo Atmosfera website may lead to third-party websites. Club Deportivo Atmosfera assumes no responsibility for the content or services on these sites.