Please read all the information carefully.
- Third party, civil responsibility insurance valid worldwide, issued by Aviation Enthusiasts Club KMSL, authorised by HESTIA insurance company.
- Insurance is valid one year, until the last day of the month of the next year previous to buying it. Example: if you buy it on the 7th day of June 2023, it will be valid until the 31th of May 2024.
- The document es is mainly in Polish language. The most important things are translated into English (no English version is available).
- The general conditions are in English.
- It’s accepted on all DZs worldwide we know so far. In case of doubts don´t ask us, ask a specific dropzone you plan to go to. We can send you a sample pdf.
- This insurance doesn’t cover your medical expenses nor any of your loses.
- The scope of insurance is 1 200 000 PLN, which is more or less 280 000 EUR (check the actual exchange rate your currency vs. Polish Zloty PLN).
- By buying this insurance you accept the Club regulations.
- It doesn’t cover commercial skydiving services as an instructor or tandempilot.
How to buy:
1. Fill the form with your details:
2. Make the payment. The current price: 95 euro
- BIZUM tlf 0034 638919628
- BANK TRANSFER Club Deportivo Atmosfera: ES1000493280172114001484
BIC/SWIFT: BSCHESMM - REVOLUT Revtag @skydiveatmosfera
- CARD – ONLY if you are on the DZ Skydive Spain: to our Burble account in the manifest.
- CASH – ONLY if you are on the DZ Skydive Spain: give cash to Tomek or Iwan.
For either option, write ONLY YOUR NAME AND LAST NAME as a concept, as it recorded as your club club membership. If you write or add anything else, your payment will be refunded, which may suppose extra cost and your insurance not processed.
3. Please send confirmation to WhatsApp +34 638 919 628!
Please follow the flow to give consent to receive information from us.
The Insurance pdf document:
- After you send the payment confirmation you should receive your insurance in pdf a few minutes (within office working hours).
- It will be sent it to you via WhatsApp.
The Password:
- The password is your ID. It must consist of exactly 11 digits. If your ID is shorter than 11 digits, you need to add the necessary number of zeros at the beginning. Example: If your ID has 9 digits, you must add two zeros at the beginning: 00IDNUMBER. If it is longer that 11 digits, skip the last digits, which are more than 11.
- Please ensure you save the document to your device. We do not have access to the Hestia database and do not store insurance documents due to data protection laws. If you lose it, it may take up to 5 working days to recover the document.
- We will not contact you automatically when your insurance is due for renewal. If you wish to renew, you must contact us at least 3 working days before your insurance expires. We cannot guarantee that insurance can be issued within a shorter time frame.
Thank you and safe jumps!
View Hestia General Conditions in PDF.